How to Upload Invoices on the Aequitex Marketplace

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June 12, 2024


After registering as an invoice seller on the Aequitex platform, you can upload your invoices to the marketplace. Once you have uploaded your invoices, received an offer from us, and accepted it, they will be available for our community of investors to purchase. If you have not yet registered, it is best to do so now. The process is quite simple and takes no longer than 10 minutes. If you have questions, visit our article, "A Guide to Registering as an Invoice Seller on Aequitex."

Your Privacy is Important to Us

All the information you provide on our platform is treated with strict confidentiality. Invoice buyers do not have access to your company data or that of your debtors.

Before Uploading Invoices

Before you start uploading your invoice(s), please note the following minimum requirements that must be met for your invoices to be accepted for sale:

1. Only companies registered in the Swiss commercial register and based in Switzerland can sell their invoices through Aequitex.

2. The invoices must be issued to debtors whose companies are also registered and domiciled in Switzerland. (If your debtor is based abroad, please contact us at We will find a solution together.)

3. The due date of the invoices must be in the future. Overdue invoices or invoices that are already more than 50% past their due date will no longer be accepted.

4. Invoices of at least CHF 1,500 can be sold. (If you want to pre-finance invoices in foreign currencies through the Aequitex community, please contact us at We will find a solution together.)

TIP: Invoices with an invoice amount between CHF 2,500 and CHF 12,500 are currently selling best on our platform.

How to Upload Your Invoices

*Discrepancies may cause rejection.

*The due date of the invoices must be in the future. Overdue invoices or invoices that are already more than 50% past their due date will no longer be accepted.

*Invoices of at least CHF 1,500 can be sold. (If you want to pre-finance invoices in foreign currencies through the Aequitex community, please contact us at We will find a solution together.)

We wish you much success with your invoice sales through Aequitex!

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