Choosing the Right Factoring for Your Company - A Decision Guide

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August 5, 2023


Factoring is a flexible financing option that presents an attractive solution for many companies looking to improve their liquidity. However, with various types of factoring available, selecting the right option is important. In this blog post, we provide you with a decision guide to help you choose the optimal factoring for your company and make the most of the benefits offered by this financing method.

  • Non-Recourse Factoring: No Default Risk for Your Company
    Non-recourse factoring offers your company the advantage of transferring the full default risk to the factoring provider. This means that you are not liable for bad debts if a customer fails to pay their invoice. This protection can be particularly beneficial for companies operating in high-risk industries or dealing with international customers.
  • Recourse Factoring: Flexibility and Lower Costs
    With recourse factoring, your company assumes the default risk if a customer becomes insolvent. In return, factoring fees are typically lower than in non-recourse factoring. This option provides some flexibility and may appeal to companies with solid receivables and good credit management.
  • Silent Factoring: Discretion for Your Company
    Silent factoring allows you to outsource your accounts receivable management without revealing the collaboration with the factoring provider to your customers. This allows your company to maintain customer relationships unchanged and preserve customer loyalty.
  • Open Factoring: Complete Outsourced Receivables Management
    Open factoring goes beyond mere accounts receivable management and includes debtor management, reminders, and collections. Here, the factoring provider assumes the entire risk and provides you with comprehensive services. This option can be beneficial for companies that wish to outsource their entire receivables management efficiently.

To make the right decision for your company follow these steps:

  1. Business Situation Analysis: Review your company's financial situation, industry, and the payment history of your customers. This will help you assess the risks and needs of your company better.
  1. Needs Analysis: Define your requirements for factoring. Determine whether you want to transfer the default risk to the factoring provider or prefer flexibility in the factoring fees.
  1. Choose Aequitex for a simple, fast and fair access to liquidity: Upload your invoices to the Aequitex platform. Aequitex will assess the credit risk of the debtor and rates the invoices using the Aequitex Invoice Scoring Algorithm© enriched with real data sourced from reputable global financial institutions such as Dun & Bradstreet and Creditform. After validation, Aequitex makes the invoices available to investors for purchase.


Factoring is a flexible financing option that can help your company improve its liquidity and overcome financial constraints. Choosing the right form of factoring is crucial to consider your company's individual needs and risk appetite. Through a thorough analysis of your business situation and using Aequitex to sell your invoices, you can make the right decision and benefit from the advantages of factoring.

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